Monday, February 3, 2014

HOW TO: Use the Balcony Furniture

I never expected to write a post about how to use furniture ... hahahaha ... well, in SL you should expect anything.

Riddle and I were working on the party area for the upcoming Valentines Day Party and we decided to look at some furniture that would be nice for couples to get cozy. Thanks to SL Marketplace we soon had a nice sofa and chairs that fit perfectly. They are copy-mod so can be put in an XPOSE rezzer to be used when needed.

Riddle and I tried them out. Here is a pic of our sofa test ...

There are some very well done individual and couples anims in the sofa and individual anims in the chairs. They don't extend into the 'having sex' territory so to do that you will have to find a different spot.

Well once we saw the anims, we thought that it would also be a good idea to use the space on the Club balcony for a sitting area. We have never used the area on the right at the top of the stairs and made a little setting.

So, now you can be at your Club and sit in a relatively private area alone, with a friend or with your honey. One of the nice things about it is you can get a book or a glass of wine from the sofa or chairs, sit and listen to the music apart from the crowd below.

After Riddle went to bed, deto (detocqueville) and lala showed up and it was just in time. There is a three-way sitting arrangement in the sofa, so we tried it out. Hahahaha ... very cute.

Ready to chill? Now you can.


1 comment:

Lala Fleur said...

SOOOO sad that there is no picture from that xoxo ;)