Saturday, March 1, 2014


Here are the schedule and details for the NotTooHot Mardi Gras/Carnaval celebration.

SUNDAY 140302

6am Joaquin Gustav Live - Carnaval music

7am Mardi Gras/Carnaval Dances 
1 Psyche Lunasea (Bellini - Samba De Janeiro)
2 Nottoo Wise & Riddlebox Ribble - Samba 
3. KLARK Harvy & Caryl Meredith

11 am PARADE IN COSTUME - Announcer and Music - Riddlebox Ribble
There are 27 floats in the parade. Here is the order of the parade:
  1. Nottoo & Riddle
  2. Laz Dresler and Tigger
  3. Shadow Tarber
  4. Katiana Blinker
  5. Pinky Ebbage
  6. Jude Christos & Barton Kidd
  7. Sandy Stillwater
  8. Arabella Luminos Group
  9. Kittens minus the Tigers
  10. Diawa Bellic
  11. Isle Biedermann
  12. Gentle Abbot
  13. Iliandra Allen & Thaladar Borgin
  14. Axom Wirefly
  15. Elizabeth Selene
  16. SkyDiverPeni Fall and SkyDiverAnarta Fall
  17. Laz Dresler
  18. Summer Nachtigal Group
  19. Aminata Potez
  20. Eri & JB
  21. BabyPea
  22. Nana Serevi or Minea Caproni
  23. Derrick Stewart
  24. Anyone who wants it - Candy Cane
  25. Anyone who wants it - Toilet
  26. Anyone who wants it - England
  27. Anyone who wants it - Carnaval Parade End

12 Noon Mardi Gras/Carnaval Dances 
1 Summer Nachtigal - Zydeco
2 Arabella Luminos, mBeatrix, Eleanor, Siani Janus, Spicey Milneaux and Porter Tracy (Alligator) - Zydeco
3 Chopsy Bode
4 Mrs Seville Stirling
5 Lilangels
6 Deb Heron
6 SkyDiver Anarta 
7 SkyDiverPeni Fall 

2pm MASKED BALL Wear at least a mask. DJ needed.

7pm Mardi Gras/Carnaval Dances 
1 Tiffani Celestalis
2 Cheryl Nitely - Iko Iko
3 Babypea

MONDAY 140303

11am Riddleball
12Noon DJ Ridd - Zydeco
2pm DJ Pierre40 Constatine - Bleus a la Française

TUESDAY 140304

11am DJ Sandy Stillwater
1pm DJ Panther Amorosi
7pm Laz, DJ - Fat Tuesday Special and Zydeco


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