Thursday, December 5, 2013

SPECIAL EVENTS: 2013 Holiday Parties

This Holiday Season (2013) we are having parties to share with members and non-members of NotTooHot. We will have parties at the Club and some members will be hosting parties at their own locations away from the club. If you want to invite NotTooHot members to your party at your location, let me know and I will include the details here.

22 December (Sunday) - 4pm
Kat Windlow and Ranger Windlow invite all NotTooHot members to their home for 'Christmas at the Windlows.' They have lots of Christmas decorations and unusual things to do for the holidays. Music is included. Here is just one thing you will see ...

25 December (Wednesday) - All day
The NotTooHot Holiday Party will go all day long at the NotTooHot Holiday Skating Rink. Come as you are and talk, skate, dance and have fun with your friends. Hosted by Riddle and Nottoo. Here is a photo from our 2009 Holiday Party ....

31 December (Tuesday) - 7am, 7pm
The famous Nottoo's Fireworks Program (circa 2008) will blast off at the NotTooHot Beach Bar. Hosted by Nottoo.

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