Thursday, January 30, 2014

Candy Kane - Barmaid and Night Boss

We are growing more rapidly than I expected (275 members), so I am starting to think about setting up events for the USA/Canada weekend evenings. Since I do have a RL and will miss some of the events, I have asked Candy Kane to help.  

She said 'Yes!'

Candy's role is to be the Barmaid (capital B)  and night boss. She will serve drinks and make you feel comfortable. Her pay is zero (0 L), so if you like what she does to make the atmosphere right, give her some Lindens. If you don't, tell her and then tell me. Of course you can recognize her by her name, pic below and voluptuous body.

Candy is kindness personified.



So far this week has been fun. Here are some of the pics:

The weekend is upon us. As you probably know we are aiming to fill the European weekend evenings first, then work on the USA weekend evenings for events. Since we want to draw the events from members, if you want to DJ, play live, dance or do most anything, let me know.

Here is the schedule for this weekend ...

10am DJ Grover Miles - I haven't seen Grover for a few weeks so I hope he shows
12Noon DJ Derrick Stewart -  The master of R&B
2pm Kittens n Tigers - Always fun

8am Water Workout - On the NotTooHot Beach
10am DJ Arabella Luminos - Funk and whatever she wants to play
2pm DJ Trebreh Nexen - I hope Tre remembers
4pm DJ Scorpio - R&B by Mr Sexy

6am Joaquin Gustav Live - Tango time
11am Miz & MrP Live - new members ... she sings and he plays guitar
12 noon (last sunday each month) Trivia with Lor - just answer 'Babe Ruth'
2pm Kittens n Tigers - A repeat of Friday without the mistakes
4pm Tone Uriza Live - Big Daddy Blues


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

HOW TO: Get on the Bar for Dancing

Not everyone in SL is an experienced bar dancer. Sometimes, I forget that seven years of bar dancing experience gives me the complete know-how of getting myself on the NotTooHot bar to show my dancing stuff. Last Sunday, I realized that in our Club we have some members who are not so experienced ... I mean ten tries to get on the bar. I won't mention names. Finally, I made some temporary steps to solve the problem.

Yesterday, I made some permanent steps located on the back side of the bar. This should solve the problem of getting on the bar. Here is a picture of them if you are in need.



EXHIBITION: Photos From SL (Part 2)

Bamboo Barnes stopped by today and removed her exhibit that adorned the back outside wall of the Club. As we talked she mentioned that she has more photos from SL. So, now we have a new exhibit "Photos From SL (Part 2)" by Bamboo.

The photos will be on exhibit through the end of February and are on the outside back wall of the club.

We may have an opening so you can meet Bamboo, and I will let you know of a date for it.

Also, if you have something you would like to exhibit, let me know.


Tuesday, January 28, 2014

HOW TO: Riddleball

In early 2008 just after the original Not Too Hot (NTH) Club opened we had an event of skate dancing. At that time the Club was on a platform at about 3000 m. One of the fun things for me was to push Riddle off the platform whenever he was AFK. So, as Riddle sometimes does, he went AFK during the skating event. Of course, I started pushing him, but it was a long way to the edge of the platform. I cannot remember whose idea it was, but soon a hollow ball was surrounding Riddle and a whole group of us were pushing him rapidly to the platform edge ... hahahahah.

Putting a ball around Riddle gave me an idea ... why not make a game of this. So with a little experimenting with balls (I think Galilla Sinatra made one) and some scripting by Joorin Knoller we soon had a soccer-like game made that we called Riddleball.

Here is one of the oldest pics I have of it with me in the Riddleball and Zeg Spear in his blue uniform. This is from April 2008.

Over the years we adjusted to SL physics changes and we expanded to include cheerleaders. We even had a grand tournament in May 2009. Here is a picture of the winners.

After the original NTH club closed Riddleball became dormant for a couple of years until Sandy Stillwater revived it. Through her leadership the game was played in 2013 irregularly and now that NotTooHot is back, we have made Riddleball an important part of the Club.

Sandy is still the leader of Riddleball and she and I have talked about bringing the excitement and fun of the game back to its glorious past (hahahah). Of course, when I play I wear heels. It's easy to learn and fun to play or watch. Sandy has a Riddleball website that will keep you up to date on what is happening and a group if you become an avid player or fan.

Here are the rules:



Riddleball is played on Riddleball field at NOT TOO HOT. The game consists of two teams for example, red and blue. The object of the game is to score goals. The team that scores the most goals wins.

A goal (one point) is scored anytime the Riddleball is pushed beyond the opponents goal line. The score occurs when the Riddleball enters the goal area.

The Riddleball consists of a ball that is pushed. 

Each team consists of three players. A team may have more than three players, but only three can play at a time. Players can be changed only after goals or at half time. Players on the same team need the same color shirts.

At the beginning of the game the Riddleball is placed in the center of the field. Each team lines up in the half circle near its goal. When the game begins at the signal of the referee, each team tries to push the Riddleball past the opponents' goal line. Pushing of the Riddleball and pushing opponents is allowed. Walking and running are allowed, but flying is not except to return to the field if you jump the fence. When a goal is scored, the referee moves the Riddleball back to the center and each team lines up at its goal line to start again at the signal of the referee.

The game consists of two five-minute halves. One minute is between halves. The clock is stopped when a goal is scored. If the score is tied at the end of the second half, one minute of rest is given, then an overtime is played with the game ending when the first goal is scored.

No rezzing objects is allowed. No use of tools is allowed. If used, the other team is automatically given two goals. The referee may stop play if the Riddleball is not moving for fifteen seconds or more, in other words the Riddleball is stuck.

The referee is always right.

There are two ways to win:
1. The first team to score ten goals wins.

2. The team with most goals at the end of the game wins.


The Riddleball field is right behind the club and you can get info and uniforms (players and cheerleaders) there. There is also a cheerleader anim controller.

Riddleball is played on a regular schedule at NotTooHot. If you want to know more, IM Sandy Stillwater.


Sunday, January 26, 2014


The final day of the NotTooHot Opening celebration was another good one. Here are the pictures I took ...

We had a lot of fun and a lot of visitors. There were several things Riddle and I were trying to accomplish with this Opening Celebration. Of course, we wanted to open the club and have fun. We also wanted to show the club to you the members and your friends as well as to visitors. Fourteen people joined the club during the Celebration taking us to 251 members. Remember our cap is 500 members. Finally, we wanted to show the talent and diversity of the members to each other. NO RULES ONLY RESPECT is really important to us and the more you know about the different people, we hope the better the club becomes.

Now that we are finished with the Opening Celebration I expect the growth of the club to slow dramatically. New members will come only from you.

Each week I plan to send out a schedule of what is happening in the club during the week. Sometimes, I might send a second one for the weekend. I will try to use the Group IMs more sparingly so this blog and the Daily Notice will be your main source for what is happening.

Monday morning the club becomes Members Only (MO) and will be open to the public (OP) only occasionally.

Here is the schedule for this week (140127). The Club is Members Only (MO) with some specific events marked as Open to the Public (OP)

MONDAY (MO) 140127
12Noon DJ Ridd

TUESDAY (MO) 140128
8am DJ Panther Amorosi (OP)
12Noon Riddleball (every other Tuesday) - we will have Riddleball this week (OP)

12Noon DJ Unbroken "G" Teardrop (OP)

THURSDAY (MO) 140130
12Noon DJ Ridd

FRIDAY (MO) 140131
10am DJ Grover Miles (OP)
12Noon DJ Derrick Stewart (OP)
2pm Kittens n Tigers (OP)

SATURDAY (MO) 140201
8am Water Workout
10am DJ Arabella Luminos (OP)
2pm DJ Trebreh Nexen (OP)
4pm DJ Scorpio Aeon (OP)

SUNDAY (MO) 140202
6am Joaquin Gustav's Tango Time
12 noon (last sunday each month) Trivia with Lor - we will have trivia this week (OP)
2pm Kittens n Tigers (OP)
4pm Tone Uriza Live (OP)

We are concentrating on filling the Friday through Sunday time slots from 10am to 4pm. Of course, if you want to do something regularly at any time, let me know.


NOTTOOHOT - Opening Day 3

Day 2 was so much fun.

I was again pretty busy and forgot to always take photos, but here is what I took ... 

Today is the last day for the Opening Celebration. If you want to show your friends your club, today is a good day to do it. Tomorrow the club is Members Only (MO). Here is the schedule for today.

Sunday 26 Jan

7am Psyche Lunasea Dance Show - I met Psyche through Dance Queens and found in her so many things in common with how I view things. She leads the dance group Mahal and I am delighted that she is dancing in the opening

8am DJ Arabella Luminos - Ara dances and that's how I met her. DJing I didn't know about so I am looking forward to hearing this side of her. Part of the fun of a private club is learning about people ... especially if you like them.

11am Mar Biddle Live - Mar is a singer in SL who started in the old Not Too Hot club. It took a lot of convincing to get her on stage the first time. Now she is a pro. She always sings 'Don't Cry for Me, Argentina' for me.

12noon DJ Unbroken "G" Teardrop - One of the mysteries of SL is how the "G" got into his name ... I know, but I'm not talking. "G" plays blues and I always enjoy his playlists ... you will too.

2pm Kittens n Tigers - Diddy and the gang are back :-)

3pm Blue4u Nowicka Live - Blue is the very first live act I heard in SL at the old Juke Joint Blues. She plays a down-home blues that is very enjoyable.

4pm Tone Uriza Live - I remember the first time that a group of us danced during one of Tone's live shows. He laughed ... then he laughed some more ... the show had about half the music of hs normal shows interrupted by Tone laughing. I think we may do this again sometime. BTW, the music is great blues.

5pm Veronica Weksler Live - Vero is best known for arranging music for other artists. Finally, I learned the little known secret that she is a talented performer in her own right. I'm glad she will be here to perform for us.

7pm Ichie Kamachi Live - Ichie always puts on a stellar performance. She sings a combination of blues and popular music. She is not to be missed.


Friday, January 24, 2014

NotTooHot - Opening Day 2

WOW ... Double WOW!

What diversity Day 1 had. Old friends like Verie and Hattie, new people joining the Club and some of the most fun entertainment put on by none other than NotTooHot members. I didn't get a lot of pictures, but here are a few ...

Thank you for making Day 1 memorable.

Now, next is Day 2. Here is the schedule ...

Saturday 25 Jan

7am DJ Barton Kidd -  BK loves to DJ impromptu. A time or two I led dancing while he DJd. I can tell you he has diverse musical tastes ... it may be blues, rock, country, ballet, samba, who knows ... and all fun.

9am WORKOUT with Nottoo -  I'm baaaaaack.

11am Riddleball with Sandy Stillwater - Riddleball goes back to 2008 when the first NTH Club was on a sky platform. Whenever Riddle would be AFK, I would push him off the platform 3000 m to the ground. Hahahaha. I liked it. Eventually we made a ball for him so we could roll him more easily and Riddleball was born. Sandy Stillwater runs it now and you can play, lead cheers or watch ... loads of fun.

12 noon MadMax Huet live - Max is back with his rocking blues. He tells me he has added a lot more singing to his playing so it should be fun. I'm recruiting innocent girls as the back-up dancers for him (The Maxines). So far Ili is the most innocent girl I could find.

1pm Obero The Great - Naiki sent Obero to me. He is the only non-member doing a performance, but I couldn't resist. He is a magician ... a first for me in SL. Maybe I'll volunteer Riddle to be sawed in half.

2pm Pink Lady Dancers - Zhaza and the Pink Ladies Dancers are old friends of mine and always put on a great an innovative dance show. Zhaza has been a friend for me through the thick and thin of dancing. Don't miss this one.

5pm DJ Scorpio Aeon - I don't know Scorpio, but I saw him at the Club on Day 1 ... wooo, sexy. So I expect some sensual tunes ... I plan to wear something to match it.

6pm DJ Bob N Corrigible - Bob N is a friend from one of my favorite blues clubs, Fogbound. You will like his tunes ... guaranteed. Bob N always seems to find a way to be surrounded by the ladies, so be careful.

8pm Princess Di Dances - I've exhausted all my vocabulary of four-letter words on Diawa except one ... love. A complete pain and attention grabber who is a really talented dancer and I love what she does ... you will too.

The Club will be open to the public, so bring your friends.


NotTooHot Opening - DAY 1

At last ... NotTooHot is open. 

Lots of entertainment and fun are in store this weekend, so bring anyone you want and have fun. Here is the schedule for today ...

Friday 24 Jan

6am WORKOUT with Nottoo - soon I will describe what WORKOUT is, but mainly it's a way to dance and talk about anything from shoes to politics to gossip to whatever you want.

12pm noon Joaquin Gustav Live - You may know Joa as the best tango player in SL, but he told me he also plays blues. Hahahaha. I love this combination.

1pm DJ Derrick Stewart - Radio star, dance-leader, coolest of the cool AND a really nice guy ... come dance to the tunes of Big D.

2pm Kittens & Tigers - One of my oldest friends, Diddy  Hyun, founded and leads this dance group which is probably the most prolific group in SL ... show after show. It is always a blast, so better come early.

3pm DJ Chriscloud Loon - I met Chris through his SL Blues Museun. He is a real aficionado of blues, and you will love his DJing, too.

5pm Gweeb Live - Gweeb is a new friend to me, but read his bio ... "Real. Live. Music. Gweeb brings the highest energy, fullest solo sound to Second Life, presented with off-the-wall humour, disguising a voice both powerful and melty, combined with an oddly eclectic repertoire, including a scattering of original tunes, many featured in television, theatre and cinema. Peed panties aren't unheard of at his gigs, ..." I think I will like this!

6pm DJ Lorraine Jupiter does FUNK - I met Lorraine through dancing and really look forward to her DJing FUNK for us. Her first request is from me ... James Brown "I feel good!!!"

7pm BlindBoink Parham Live - I call him BB and he is a good friend. He performs blues like they used to be played. Come have a listen. BB sings and plays the guitar.

8pm Elysium Cabaret Dancers -  Babypea von Phoenix organized this dance show by the Elysium cabaret dancers. I met Baby through Dance Queens and I know you will love this show. The group is performing on the grassy area above the beach bar.

Everything is Open to the Public (OP) this weekend, so see you at your club ...


Monday, January 20, 2014

SPECIAL EVENT: Opening Celebration Update

The NotTooHot Club officially opens with a celebration on Friday, January 24 through Sunday, January 26. 

Here is an update on the events scheduled so far:


Friday 24 Jan
6am WORKOUT with Nottoo
11am Mar Biddle Live
12pm noon Joaquin Gustav Live
1pm DJ Derrick Stewart
2pm Kittens & Tigers
3pm DJ Chriscloud Loon
5pm Gweeb Live
6pm DJ Lorraine Jupiter does FUNK
7pm BlindBoink Parham Live
8pm Elysium Cabaret Dancers

Saturday 25 Jan
7am DJ Barton Kidd
9am WORKOUT with Nottoo
10am Fusion Dance Crew
11am DJ Sandy Stillwater
12 noon MadMax Huet live
1pm Obero The Great
2pm Pink Lady Dancers
5pm DJ Mae Vanistok
6pm DJ Bob N Corrigible

Sunday 26 Jan
7am Psyche Lunasea Dance Show
8am DJ Arabella Luminos
9am Trivia with Lorenz Wiefel
12noon DJ Unbroken "G" Teardrop
2pm Kittens n Tigers
3pm Blue4u Nowicka Live
4pm Tone Uriza Live
7pm Ichie Kamachi Live

Everyone who is performing (or at least the leaders) is a NotTooHot Club member except Obero the Great. If you would like to show your stuff in the celebration, choose an available time and let me know. 

I will send out the final schedule later in the week and include a bit of information about the different events and people involved/

The Opening Celebration will be OP or open to the public.

I'm getting excited!


Friday, January 17, 2014

HOW TO: Keeping Track of Visitors

There are only two requirements to keeping membership in NotTooHot. One is to respect others and the other is to visit the Club at least one time each month. This note describes how Riddle and I manage the visiting requirement.

If you go to the Club's Landing Point at the gate, then proceed down the steps, you will see the area where we keep the equipment for controlling the dance balls and a visitor counter. Here is a picture of the visitor counter:

The visitor counter not only counts the number of unique visitors during one day and the total visitors starting on January 17, 2014, but it also sends me a listing of the names of the visitors. Each day I get an IM and email with the SL name of each visitor to the Club. I put the daily list in a spreadsheet containing all the names of Club members and compare the lists once a month. If a person has not been at the Club during the month, the name will have 0 visits.

Each month near the beginning of the month I will send a reminder note card to Club Members who have not visited. The note card will let the member know of the need to visit the club once a month. If the member does not contact me and a second month goes by with no visits, I will remove the member from the Club and offer the space to the next person on the waiting list if we have reached our 500 member limit. I will also send a note card to the person removed.

The idea behind this approach is to make the Club one that is important to members. If members care about the Club, they will visit. If they don't, they should not take a place of someone who would enjoy the Club and participate.

If you receive  note card for not visiting and want to remain a member, but have a reason why you cannot visit, let me know. 


Thursday, January 16, 2014

HOW TO: Know When the Club Is Open or Members Only

Since NotTooHot is a private club for members only, I have been thinking about how to implement this. Our concept of a private club is to make it a place for members to have fun with friends in a pleasant atmosphere. Part of the atmosphere is to make the club active but not overwhelmed by people. We arbitrarily chose 500 people as the maximum number of members. This limit is our best guess as to how to keep the club from being overwhelmed with people, but still have enough visitors that the Club is not empty. Of course people vote with their feet and we have to make the Club fun and a place people want to go to.

The requirement to visit the Club at least once a month means that people will visit or lose their membership. Over time people who like it at NotTooHot will be members and those who don't will weed themselves out. 

So, it might seem that we just turn on the members only button in the Parcel Details and that's that. But it's not quite that easy I think. A couple of things make me consider a more subtle approach. We are now at about 200 members. Riddle and I have invited all our friends and now new members will be people recommended to us by existing members. Think about a friend you might want to invite to join NotTooHot. Of course, almost everyone is full on groups so you need to convince the person to leave another group to join the Club. It would be a whole lot easier if the person could visit the club and see the fun that he/she could have.

A second consideration is that the tips that performers (DJs, live musicians and dance groups) get depend in part on the number of people in the audience. It's also more fun to perform in front of a larger group than an empty house.

Since I am in charge of the schedule, here is how I will proceed:

  1. When there is no event scheduled, the club will be set for Members Only (MO). This means you can't bring a non-member friend just to hang out. If you DJ impromptu, it will be for members only.
  2. Initially, all scheduled events will be set for Open to the Public (OP). Riddle or I will set this in the Parcel Details. The person leading the event can tell me to make the event MO if she/he prefers.
  3. As attendance at events increases I will talk with the performer to decide together whether to make the event MO or OP.
  4. Once we get to 500 members and have a full schedule of events, all events will be MO. We will have occasional OP days so you can still show off your Club to people.
We are all new to the idea of a private Club in SL, so if you have thoughts about this approach, let me know.

I will identify in the Daily Notice whether an event is MO or OP.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

SPECIAL EVENT: NotTooHot Opening

The NotTooHot Club officially opens with a celebration on Friday, January 24 through Sunday, January 26. 

I am excited!

A lot of people have volunteered to be a part of the opening events by DJing, performing live or dancing. Thanks to all of you who have volunteered so far. The club has quite an array of talent as members.

Here is the schedule so far:


Friday 24 Jan
6am WORKOUT with Nottoo
11am Mar Biddle Live
12pm noon Joaquin Gustav Live
1pm DJ Derrick Stewart
2pm Kittens & Tigers
3pm DJ Chriscloud Loon

Saturday 25 Jan
7am DJ Barton Kidd
9am WORKOUT with Nottoo
10am Fusion Dance Crew
12 noon (MadMax Huet live)
1pm Obero The Great
2pm Pink Lady Dancers
3pm DJ Arabella Luminos
5pm DJ Mae Vanistok
6pm DJ Bob N Corrigible

Sunday 26 Jan
7am Psyche Lunasea Dance Show
11am Spearheads
12noon DJ Unbroken "G" Teardrop
2pm Kittens n Tigers
4pm Tone Uriza Live


Everyone who is performing (or at least the leaders) is a NotTooHot Club member. If you would like to show your stuff in the celebration, choose an available time and let me know. 

The Opening Celebration will be open to both members and non-members.

I will send out a final schedule next week.


Monday, January 13, 2014

Invitation to Join NotTooHot

Here is the note card that Riddle and I are sending on 14 January to people on our friends list.


This note is to the people on Riddle's and Nottoo's Friends List. We are opening a private blues club and you are invited to join. If you have any interest, please read below. If not, you can stop here.


Riddle and I are planning to re-open the Not Too Hot Blues Club (NTH) under the name NotTooHot on 24 January. Our experience with the old NTH and with DANCE QUEENS has left us with the feeling of wanting to do something but a little wary of the drama that seems to accompany it.

We are using a different structure for NotTooHot that may give us and the members the fun we used to have at the old NTH without the drama. It also would be different from the current, successful blues clubs that seem to groan under the weight of too many people and sometimes feel a little sterile.

Here is what we are thinking:

1. NotTooHot membership will be by invitation only. In a sense it will be a private club. Any member can nominate someone for membership, but Riddle and Nottoo have the final say on whether or not the person can join. If you received this note from Riddle or me, you are invited to join.

2. Membership in NotTooHot will be limited to 500 people only. If we reach that level and more people want to join, the names will be added to a waiting list and offered only when space is available.

3. Keeping membership in NotTooHot requires visiting the club at least once every month. A device will keep track each month of who visits. If a person does not visit during the month, Nottoo will send a note to the person, reminding him/her to visit. If a second month occurs and the person does not visit, he/she will be removed from the membership.

4. Access to the NotTooHot Club will not require wearing the group tag. Non-members will not be allowed to visit except on occasional, announced 'open' times.

5. The NOTTOOHOT Club will offer a blues format with some rock and a little Latin music. I will also do what I did at the old NTH by inventing games, shows and other events for the members. DJs will come primarily from the membership and will be for tips only. Live music and Dance Groups also will come from the membership and I will cover any costs. Occasionally we may have a DJ or live act by a non-member and I will give the person temporary access. There will be no House tip jar and any House donations will be returned.

What we want to create is the feeling of family that was in the old NTH with fun, laughter, blues, dancing, friends, trust and no drama.

To get started we are planning to focus on filling the schedule on weekends. All members will be authorized to change the stream, so unscheduled DJing can be done by any member.

We are looking for DJs, live music and Dance Groups starting at the club after the opening 24 - 26 January. The time slots we want to fill are:

Friday 12 noon
Friday 2pm
Saturday 10am
Saturday 12 noon
Saturday 2pm
Sunday 12 noon
Sunday 2pm
Sunday 4pm

Riddle plans to do all his DJing at NOTTOOHOT and Nottoo will also DJ a bit and offer WORKOUT on a scheduled basis.

Once we fill out the schedule above, we will aim to add DJs at USA evening times on the weekend (5pm to 9pm). After that we will try to expand the DJ schedule to be 7 days a week.

The rules for the club will be ... NO RULES, ONLY RESPECT, so, expect bar dancing, occasional swearing, some naked dancing, the best dance balls in SL, and all the things that made you laugh in the old days.

Riddle and I have started to work on the club and you can visit it at any time until the club opens. After that you have to be a member. Of course it features the same overwhelming red and black interior, bar for dancing, undersized stage for performances, private dance pole, Slyther and the picture above the bar. Check it out at NotTooHot Gate. Everything inside the walls is part of the club.

The opening celebration will be Friday, 24 January through Sunday, 26 January and will be open to everyone.

If you are interested in joining the club, please IM or send a notecard to Nottoo. More info is at, which is the Club's website.

Nottoo and Riddle